Name for my music magazine

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Final Front Cover design

This is my final front cover design, I have changed the colour of the picture slightly to make Eve look less pale and brings out the colours of the font better. I have also used some space on the left hand side by adding a quote from the person in the front cover. I have also added a pink star shape to draw attention to the compitition. i've tried not to use too many different colours and stayed in a range of 4-5 colours. Leave a comment if you think that there are anymore inprovments you think need making.


  1. I really like what you have done to the front cover. I feel that you front cover catches the eye to the read.

  2. The front cover works well, the colours used work well with the background image. You have followed conventions of magazines by using a barcode, issue number and coverlines.
