Name for my music magazine

Thursday 10 March 2011

Audience Summary

From the audience feedback I have learnt that they liked the colours on my front cover and think they go well together, they also like the picture that is used as the background of the cover. I wasn't sure if the logo for the title was too bright but they didn't mention it and liked it. They said you can tell who the magazine is aimed at but the front cover and colours used. I have taken their advice by adding more writing and changing the font styles.

From the audience feedback I have learnt that they liked how I used a lot of pictures on my contents page to show what is included in my music magazine. They also liked that I included an editor’s message in my magazine with a chatty, informal language. They weren’t sure about the plain background, but liked the colours used and fonts. I added more pictures because it looked too bland.

From the audience feedback I have learnt that they like my blue background which I used for my DPS. They also like how I cut the background out the picture I used for the left hand side of my DPS. Plus you can tell it’s a music magazine because there is a guitar used as a prop in my photograph. They weren’t sure if the title stands out from the rest of the page, but I like the colour that I used so I didn’t change it.

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