Name for my music magazine

Monday 22 November 2010

Textual analysis of magazines

Name of magazine - Smart Talent - front cover
This magazine is a handbag size and the front cover is colour coordinated with not too many different colour, the main colours are brown, white and pink these colours arn't bright but they do catch your eye. The master heading is simple but bold which catches your eye with the brown background. This magazine is £2.25 which i quite expensive for a student magazine however it is a glamourous magazine which can fit in your handbag. On the front cover it gives information of what the magazine contains e.g. career choices which is very revalent to students. At the bottom of the magazine it gives you the link to the magazine website. The colours brown and white represent the season winter. The person in the middle of the cover is very glamourous and well groomed.

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