Target Readership: Candy Floss is aimed for young teenage girls around the age of 13 – 16 which means they are still at school. This is a fun magazine mainly aimed for teenage girls and gives them something fun to read after school. People who read this magazine will want to know the latest gossip from music artists and other celebs, it also information on how to download the latest chart music. So the readers of Candy Floss will like the latest chart music which is mainly pop music. There will also be pages on fashion and where you can buy the latest fashion items. The parents of readers will be in the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping this means that readers will rely on their parents to buy the magazine. But some of the readers may have part time jobs so they can buy the magazine. Candy Floss wants to cover everything that is important in a teenage girl’s life but also pages which contain humour e.g. embarrassing moments and advice pages. Candy Floss is for girls who like to know the latest information about fashion, celebs, music artists, horoscopes, advice about boys and problems that may occur at school.
Form and Style: Candy Floss is A4 magazine will contain horoscopes, latest music releases, celeb interviews, advise about school and boys, problem pages, reviews on films and music and embarrassing moments. The colours used for Candy Floss will be bright and bold, using colours like pink, blue, yellow and purple. These will be very girly colours to show it’s for young female teenagers. The front cover will also contain famous well-known music artists e.g. Justin Beiber and Rihanna. The cover lines will tell you what is included in the magazine with little pictures to draw attention to this. Competitions will also be included on the cover lines, this piece of information will have a bright background to make it stand out. Images and graphics used will be very bright with special affect on the front cover to add boldness and brighten the images to make the magazine more alerting. The magazine will sell at £2.10, this will make the magazine affordable for teenage girls.
Themes and Typical features: Candy Floss will have many typical features of a teenage magazine. Every magazine will have a problem page, latest music releases, reviews on films and music, horoscopes, interviews with celebs, gossip and fashion. There will be a strong focus on music and advice on typical teenage girl’s problems. There will be 4 main themes in this magazine: music, film, fashion and advice. The writer will use language that the audience are more likely to understand, this will help the audience understand it more and an easy, fun read. The target audience can writer into the magazine and get what they have sent published onto the magazine; they can do this for the embarrassing moment pages or the problem pages. This will make the reader understand the problem and they will get advice from an expert and that advice may help other people reading the magazine.
Potential advertisers: There will be several pages used for adverts, a range of brands will advertise and these adverts will pay an interest on the magazine e.g. No.7, Top shop, Primark, Tampax, Bench clothing, Dove, Sure and HMV.
Editorial Team: The editorial team for my magazine will be made up of hard working professional writers and designers. The team will mostly be young women around 25 because they have more understanding on teenage girls. Readers writing for embarrassing moments and problem pages will be published onto the magazine. The aim of the team is to add new ideas and keep it fresh and updated compared to other teenage magazines plus include the readers with the magazine.
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