Name for my music magazine

Monday, 29 November 2010

Draft of content page

This is my 2nd draft of my content page for my student magazine.

Draft of Content page

This is a draft of my content page for my student magazine.

Draft of front cover

This is another example of my draft of my front cover for my student magazine.

Draft of front cover

This is one of my examples of my draft front cover.

Photos i am not using

These are the pictures i dont think i am using but i might use a few but i'm not sure. I am not using these pictures because a couple of them are blury and not as good quality. Some of these pictures are the same as the ones i am using because i made sure i took 2 of the same picture just incase i lost one.

Photos I am using for my Magazine

 These are the pictures i am using in my student magazine, i am using these pictures because they are better quality and they show student life well. I am using one group picture and the rest are individual. I am also using a picture of my prize for the compitition for my front cover. The settings for the pictures are in the college to make it look more of a student magazine.

Monday, 22 November 2010


How much would you pay for my magazine?
70p            £1.00             £1.50            £2.00           More than £2.00
What size would you like the magazine?
Handbag size            or          Normal size

What would you prefer most to be in the student magazine?
Interviews                reviews             horoscopes          celebrity gossip            career advice

What prize would you most want in a competition in the magazine?
IPod           hoodie             games           mobile phone            tour tickets to see your favourite band    

When do you want it to come out?
Weekly     or    monthly

Textual analysis of magazines

Name of magazine - Smart Talent - content page
On half of the page their are pictures in a sort of collage with students at work and views of places. It has two sections one general  content and one for talent education. This page shows that the magority of the magazine is about education. The 2nd half of the page is much more colourful than the first half which is plain and only has 2 colours which are red and white these are dull colours.

Textual analysis of magazines

Name of magazine - Smart Talent - front cover
This magazine is a handbag size and the front cover is colour coordinated with not too many different colour, the main colours are brown, white and pink these colours arn't bright but they do catch your eye. The master heading is simple but bold which catches your eye with the brown background. This magazine is £2.25 which i quite expensive for a student magazine however it is a glamourous magazine which can fit in your handbag. On the front cover it gives information of what the magazine contains e.g. career choices which is very revalent to students. At the bottom of the magazine it gives you the link to the magazine website. The colours brown and white represent the season winter. The person in the middle of the cover is very glamourous and well groomed.

Initial comparrison of magazines

Name of magazine and features
Student ID Xmas edition
Content section
Interviews with pictures
Theme page
Pictures of bands
Tips for revision
Movie review
Says whats on the next issue

Student ID - (Issue no.13)
Content page
Pictures from events
Interviews with people who have left college

ETC education/training/careers
Welcome page
Conent page
Information page
Pages of pictures
Info about alcohol
Film pages
lists of bizare laws

Action Plan

 Welcome to my blog this is my action plan. In my coursework i am making a student magazine and in this blog i will add all my work to do with my student magazine.

Week 1- November 15th
Set up blog
Initial comparrison of magazines
Create action plan

Week 2 - 22nd Novemeber
Decide on name of magazine
Audience questionaire poll
Create front cover and draft

Week 3 - 29th Novemeber
Take pictures and edit
Get audience feedback
Ceate content and draft

Week 4 - 6th Decemeber

10th December - deadline, must be completed by this date